2021/05/27 3D Printed Left Keypad Model 1 2021/05/22 NX Journal Vector selection dialog 2021/05/14 3D Printed CREE XML-T6 Bracket for REC-MOUNTS 2021/05/08 3D Printed 7inchi display case 2021/05/07 3D Printed XYZ ROBOT 2021/05/07 3D Printed Speaker 2021/05/06 3D Printed Tripod for FHD-53D 2021/05/05 DIY keyboard with Seeeduino XIAO 2021/05/04 Python string processing examples 2021/04/27 TOOL for renaming parts in STEP file created with PyQt5 2021/04/27 Ball screw calculation 2021/04/21 Serial data graph monitor made by QSerialPort of PyQt5 2021/04/20 Serial port monitor made by QSerialPort of PyQt5 2021/04/18 Make notepad with PyQt5 2021/04/06 OCR Tool Rev1 2021/04/02 Image file that can be read by QPixmap of PyQt5 2021/03/27 OCR TOOL rev1 made by OpenCV and Tesseract-OCR 2021/03/22 CSV files graph list Tool 2021/03/20 List of smartphones and tablets that support video output 2021/03/13 PyQt5 QFileSystemWatcher test 2021/03/13 Dynamically add and remove QWidgets to QLayout with PyQt5 2021/01/26 Drive an XY robot with Raspberry Pi 4 and Python 2021/01/26 Raspberry pi 4 Pin assignment 2021/01/23 Generate pulse arrays from G code and drive stepping motors with Raspberry Pi